2011年10月30日 星期日

Reality - Richard Sanderson

Reality,B, piano (ladies)

Reality, B, midi (ladies)

Reality,bE, piano (gentlemen)

Reality,bE, midi (gentlemen)

La Boum

這部電影是法國玉女明星 Sophie Marceau蘇菲瑪索  主演的處女作,上映後所向披靡,使她成為八十年代最走紅的少女偶像明星之一。片名的法文原意是「派對」,所以在美國上映時的片名是The Party,在台灣則是《第一次接觸》。

讓人印象最深刻的,當然是美麗無匹的女主角─Sophie Marceau,當年她才14歲,完全是青春無敵。Sophie 清新自然的表現,將少女的如詩心事生動地傳達出來,令人為之動容。這部片出人意料地在世界各國爆紅,也因此後續又拍了La Boum 2依舊有不錯的成績。

在音樂方面,雖然是法語電影,但為了打入更多國家,找來了英國歌手 Richard Sanderson 演唱主題曲 Reality電影單曲一經推出,就在歐洲和亞洲創下了800萬張銷量的輝煌成績。問鼎全球15國排行冠軍。

Richard Sanderson - Reality (with lyrics)

Reality - Park Hye Kyung (with lyrics)

LA BOUM (1980) - Sophie Marceau - bande-annonce du film
LA BOUM 電影預告片


Met you by surprise 無意中遇見你
I didn't realize that my life would change forever
Saw you standing there 看見你佇立
I didn't know I cared 我不知道自己在乎
There was something special in the air 空中有種特別的氣氛

Dreams are my reality 夢境是我的真實
The only kind of real fantasy 唯一真實的幻想
Illusions are a common thing 幻象已經是稀鬆平常
I try to live in dreams 我試著活在夢裡
It seems as if it's meant to be 彷彿註定就該如此

Dreams are my reality 夢境是我的真實
A different kind of reality 完全不同的真實
I dream of loving in the night 我夢見在夜晚中相愛
And loving seems alright 而愛是如此自然
Although it's only fantasy 雖然那只是幻想

If you do exist, honey don't resist 如果你真的存在,親愛的別抗拒
Show me a new way of loving 為我展現愛的新方式
Tell me that it's true 告訴我那是真的
Show me what to do 告訴我該怎麼辦
I feel something special about you 我對你有特別的感覺

Dreams are my reality 夢境就是我的真實
The only kind of reality 唯一的真實
May be my foolishness has past 或許我不再愚蠢
And may be now at last 也許現在終於
I'll see how a real thing can be 我將目睹真實是怎麼一回事

Dreams are my reality 夢境就是我的真實
A wonderous world where I like to be 一個我想去的奇幻世界
I dream of holding you all night 我夢見整夜擁抱著你
And holding you seems right 擁抱你似乎很自然
Perhaps that's my reality 或許那就是我的真實

Met you by surprise 無意中遇見你
I didn't realize that my life would change forever
Tell me that it's true 告訴我那是真的
Feelings that I am you 感覺我就是你
I feel something special about you 我對你有種特別的感覺

Dreams are my reality 夢境就是我的真實
A wonderous world where I like to be 一個我嚮往的奇幻世界
Illusions are a common thing 幻象是稀鬆平常的事
I try to live in dreams 我試著活在夢境裡
Although it's only fantasy 雖然它只是幻夢

Dreams are my reality 夢境就是我的真實
I like to dream of you close to me 我喜歡夢見你靠近我
I dream of loving in the night 我夢見夜晚中相愛
And loving you seems right 相愛這麼自然
Perhaps that's my reality 或許這就是我的真實
