2010年11月3日 星期三

All I Ask of you 的伴奏

Dear friends,
今天我們在課堂上討論了All I Ask of you 的伴奏版本問題. evelyn 想建議大家試試看沒有主旋律導唱的版本. 這是我們在課堂上沒有試過的做法. 請大家跟一下(11/03)的[連結]試試看.
請您眼睛先跟好字幕,同時耳朵注意聽伴奏旋律. 熟稔後, 試試看用我們的譜取代字幕, 是否可行? 可以在 [意見&迴響] 提出您的看法,大家討論一下.
這是原key C. 比我們在教室裡唱的bB升2key. 男聲應該OK. 女聲有一點辛苦, 如果大家可以接受這樣的版本, 以後我們也可以調 key .
evelyn tsai   11/03

Margaret 提到...
Dear Eve,
No one call me Maggie before. But it's cute, I love it. Thank you!
I,ve tried the new midi-edition of "All I Ask of you". You are right, it is kind of a challenge for females. And we must focuse on the subtitles instead of the singers' mouths. Because they both don't match each other.
Thanks again! You always do such a lot things for us even during the time you are not so well.
Take more rest please! Good day
Margaret   11/04/2010

1 則留言:

Margaret 提到...

Dear Eve,
No one call me Maggie before. But it's cute, I love it. Thank you!
I,ve tried the new midi-edition of
"All I Ask of you". You are right,
it is kind of a challeng for females. And we must focuse on the
subtitles instead of the singers'
mouths. Because they both don't
match each other.
Thanks again! You always do such a
lot things for us even during the
time you are not so well.
Take more rest please! Good day
Margaret 11/04/2010